
Seminar topics

  1. Biodiversity and sustainable production

  2. Farmers' perceptions and practices regarding biodiverse production systems

  3. The role of trade and supply chain structures in farmers’ choices and responses

  4. Climate change mitigation through enrichment of biodiversity

  5. Biodiversity, agricultural intensification and environmental pollution

  6. Supply chains, biodiversity conservation, and energy

  7. The water-energy-food nexus in the context of biodiversity conservation

  8. Biodiversity as an economic growth driver for rural areas

  9. Policy tools and assessment of environmental protection and biodiversity enhancement

  10. Environmental protection and sustainable production towards the CAP 2021-2027 period

  11. Utilizing the Industry 4.0 concept (AI, big data, precision agriculture) to promote biodiversity

  12. The impact of agro-food biodiversity on consumers’ preferences

  13. Health, dietary choices and diverse food consumption

  14. Youth behavior towards food biodiversity: from pre-school to teenagers